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Friday 17 February 2012

Spin not Zumba tonight !

Got my Zaggora nudes this week ! 
I've been wearing them to work every day. Love them ,they are comfy and warm and make  look and feel slim.  This week been a bit busy , did a class called Caribsa  ( see last post) on Tuesday .
 On Thursday Zumba/hula teacher was also sick !
So me and my bright self decided to book a replacement class somewhere else .
I sat in my lunch break scrolling through the online classes .
I found a spin class at 7.45 pm , I thought yeah I'll give it a try ,it's been a long time since I've done spin , maybe 5-7 years !
 I got to the end of my shift at work , collected my children from my Nan's house .
On the way home I thought I'm tired I need to sleep . 
 I arrived home checked on kobi the bearded dragon . He's been sleeping for a whole day .
Woke him up made sure he ate , locusts ! 
 My lovely hubby arrived home .  "you going Zumba ?"  "no instructor is sick so I might go spin instead , but I'm tired " "Well take a night off and rest " " yeah I might just do that " I said .
 I went back online to cancel my spin class but it was too late I'd missed the hour online cancellation slot .
So it must be a sign ... I was meant to go to spin class . 
 I got ready, hotpant flares on and went to class.
I arrived to a room full of bikes.
Not a packed class but it was the instructors 3rd class in a row . 
I found a bike the instructor came over and helped me adjust my bike she also asked if I'd done it before .
I told her a long time ago .
She smiled and said "just take your time ." I smiled and said "ok ."  
I got on my bike did the first 3 minutes and thought I was going to die !! Forgot how much hard work was involved .
I didn't even add the full amount of tension! 
 I lasted to the end of the class ! Yeah me  Legs feel like jelly , bruised inside of my knee as I must of bashed it when cycling and a sore bottom from sitting on the seat !
 It was a 45 min class by the time I arrived at class adjusted my bike , I did a 40 minute session
 Calories burnt 455
Average heart rate  154
Max heart rate 178
 I did enjoy the class and I would do it again as a replacement class .

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